What is Mesothelioma, Symptoms, and Causes
Mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer which develops from the thin layer of tissue which covers several of the internal organs known as the mesothelioma. It affects the lining of the lungs, hart chest wall and abdomen. In the major case of mesothelioma caused due to inhalation of asbestos, This disease is mostly in those people who mine asbestos and made products from asbestos or live with asbestos worker and work in a building which contains asbestos. This disease develops when a person inhales asbestos, it causes the DNA of the person to be changed. In our DNA which controls how cell grows, work multiply and die. Changes in our gene may cause cells out of control and lead to cancer.
Read Also: Mesothelioma | Asbestos Exposure in California | Doctors | Lawyers
Read Also: Mesothelioma | Asbestos Exposure in California | Doctors | Lawyers
Some common symptoms in mesothelioma
· Dry coughing
· Shortness of breathing
· Fluid around the lungs
· Weakness in the Muscles
· Respiratory complications
· Fever
· Sweats in Night
· Pain in chest
If you are working in asbestos exposure or you have a history of asbestos and experience these type of symptoms then you must talk to a mesothelioma specialist very soon.
Types of Mesothelioma
· Pleural Mesothelioma
· Peritoneal Mesothelioma
· Pericardial Mesothelioma
· Testicular Mesothelioma
Survival Rates
Survival rates for mesothelioma measured in one-year survival.
In the case of Mesothelioma cancer, the meaning of survival rates is that the percentage of people will continue to live a certain period after having mesothelioma. The survival rate depends on mesothelioma stages, only 55% of people will survive one year after diagnosis. About one-third, people will survive after 3 years and only 9% of people only survive after 5 years having the diagnosis.
Mesothelioma Survival Rate vs. Life Expectancy
Mesothelioma life expectancy and survival rates having a different meaning. Life expectancy means the average age of the person is expected to live based on the year they were born, where they are born and other factors.
An aggressive disease like mesothelioma cancer can shorten average life. Survival rates come into play after a person is diagnosed with aggressive diseases such as cancer or other serious health condition.
Mesothelioma has no definitive cure. Most of the cases are treated in the final stage when tumors have spread. Therefore the survival rates are as compared to other cancer.
Factors That Affects Survival Rates
Survival rates for this type of cancer vary by the patient’s age, gender, race and many other factors such as location, stage and cell type of cancer. The strongest influence on your health in mesothelioma prognosis. Only 9% of patients can survive over 5 years in mesothelioma cancer. In other cancer patients survive at least five years.
Age Range
Survival Rate
< 50
50 – 64
Older people mesothelioma patients have a much lower survival rate than younger ones. 57% percent of patients diagnosed before the age of 50 live one year. Approx. 30 percent patients 75 years or older live the same amount of time. The Large difference between older and younger people due to younger patients are eligible for more intensive treatments like surgery. Older people have a high risk of treatment because of poor health.
Women facing Mesothelioma having much better survival rate as compared than men. Researchers analyzed for mesothelioma cases reported in the National Cancer Institutes SEER from 1988 to 2013. They found 7% men should survive 5 years having mesothelioma. 15% of women survive 5 years having mesothelioma.
One Year
Two years
Three Years
Four Years
Mesothelioma Survival Rates by Site
Mesothelioma Survival Rates by Site
1 year
3 years
5 years
10 years
Source: The journal Translational Oncology blog 2015
How to Improve Survival Rate
The best way to do this is to immediately consult a doctor when any of the symptoms are detected. A long latency period after asbestos exposure and nonspecific symptoms can lead to misdiagnosis, and delay treatment. As such, having the treatment plan is crucial to extending survival.
Treatment and potential of people can extend their survival rates. If people are able to face aggressive treatment such as surgery then survival rates increase.
Mesothelioma Survival Rates Are Improving
In last few years researchers got great achievements found new ways to diagnose and treat the disease, like biomarkers in the blood for earlier diagnosis and the potential of immunotherapy.
Hope researchers will find a new and easy way to diagnose and treatment and doctors can improve treatments and improve survival rates. Most important thing is awareness. When people aware then it will be known in the first stage of Disease and it will be treated well.
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