Web Hosting
Do you want to buy a hosting for your website but you are confused and thinking that which hosting is good for your blog. There is a lot of factor before buying a hosting because it affects your blog ranking and many more. If you want to buy best hosting for your website, then you have come to the right place. So let's see, what should be in a good hosting but before this we need to know about web hosting
What Is Web Hosting?
All of you will know about hosting but many people will not know what is web hosting, therefore, before that we are clear about web hosting
Web hosting is a service that allows organizations and individuals to post a website or web page onto the Internet, to create any website or blog, hosting is required. Means hosting is a place where you keep your content. A hosting provider provides that technologies which need for the website to viewed in the Internet. When a user want to see your website they need to search your website address or domain in their browser and will then connect to your server and your webpages will be delivered to them through the browser.
To create a blog requires a domain and a hosting. Most of the companies want you to buy a domain from here and also buy hosting, so they give many offers But that hosting is not good. I am not saying that all hosting is not good, some are good.
Types of Web Hosting
Shared Hosting
Shared hosting is a hosting service allows multiple websites to utilize a single server. Shared hosting means a server share with multiple users, many websites are kept on a single server in Shared Hosting. You will have no idea who or what and how many websites you are sharing the resources of a server with. In shared hosting, every customer will be given their Cpanel and have a limit on the total amount of server resources they can use. This will decide your package and hosting company. Shared hosting is the most popular hosting because it’s cost to below. New blogger
Advantage of Shared Hosting
· Shared hosting is the cheapest hosting option available for your blog. The price of this type of hosting is from $2 to $9.
· It comes with built-in Cpanel which is easy to manage your website.
· No need for technical maintenance, include in your package
· The load time is slower than dedicated hosting.
· There is a limited option to customization options.
VPS hosting is next level shared hosting, VPS shares one server but acts like a separate server. A VPS is a portion of one of these servers that have its own operating system, bandwidth, and disc space. A VPS avoid the problem of your hosting never bring down your website or blog. The pricing of VPS is from $150 to $200 depending on ROM and CPU.
Advantage of VPS
· The pricing of VPS is less than a dedicated server.
· User can be customized as he wants.
Virtual private server is not perfect. Just like any hosting. There will only be
the most effective hosting for your existing wants.
The largest disadvantage of VPS hosting is that the cost. It’s usually more expensive than shared hosting and will need a lot more data and work on your end. So, if your web site isn’t profitable however, then you would possibly be better off starting with a less expensive hosting package.
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